ID & PIN Recovery: User Type Help

 It is important that you supply the type of Willsub user you are in order for your ID and/or PIN to be provided.

 Willsub currently has 5 types of users, District Managers, Building Managers, School Employees, Substitutes, and Contract Employees. Please read the descriptions below and select the appropriate type from the pop-up list on the ID and PIN recovery form.

 1. District Managers: Superintendents, district secretaries, and district accounting staff are typical district managers. Their home page displays all district buildings, not the specific absent employees on the current day. Some district managers can also authorize substitute pay, but building managers cannot. District managers can enter leave requests for all employees in the districts buildings. District managers are paid by the school district, not ESS.

 2. Building Managers: Principals and building office secretaries are typical building managers. Their home page displays specific employee absences for the current day. Some building managers can also verify substitute time, but not authorize sub pay. Building managers can enter leave requests only for the employes in the building they manage. Building managers are paid by the school district, not ESS.

 3. School Employees: Teachers, para-professionals, aides, etc. who typically work in the buildings' classrooms are school employees. Their home page displays all the absences of the employee for the current year. School employees are paid by the school district, not ESS.

 4. Substitutes: ESS employees who work in multiple buildings and districts in place of a school employee. Substitutes do not have a specific job and normally work for many different school employees throughout the year, but can also work as a long term substitute for a single school employee. Substitues get telephone calls from Willsub and can login to Willsub to view available jobs. Substitutes are paid by ESS.

 5. Contract Employees: ESS employees who fill a specific position for the district as contracted by ESS. Contractors have a specific job and do not use Willsub to look for jobs for absent school employees. Substitutes are paid by ESS.